Stampa 3d modellino portabici modulare
in corso MB
in corso MB
Esame New Craft and Industry Design Studio
troppo sottile lo aggiorna, eliminare! mb
The images are for illustrative purposes only as I changed the shape of some of the parts in the STL.
Dear prof, I'm a student of Prof. Robert Bianchi - Industry design laboratory. This is a small model of a bicycle parking rack. The dimensions are 15x11x10cm. Holes in the model can be ignored. The color is white or gray. I hope it can be finished before 15/12
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I created a new modle about part 2. It is solid, please try it. Thank you so much. It doesn't matter if the holes in other parts are not printed well.
Yuang YU
I am Yuang YU. My course needs 3D printing, and the professors are Roberto Bianchi and Francesco Romeo. I also left a message on Instagram. I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you.
Yuang YU
Hello, this is a bicycle parking rack model. The size should be 150x110x100mm. The color can be white or gray. The holes in the model can be ignored. My professor is Francesco Romeo & Roberto Bianchi
The size should be 150x110x100mm. The color can be white or gray. The holes in the model can be ignored.
Modificato ultima richiesta (MB)